Our Services
Today’s leader is facing challenges from every corner of the business. From other managers, staff, shareholders, customers, suppliers, not to forget personal “life balance” issues.
Our mentoring program gives today’s business leader a three – pronged approach.
Our mentoring program gives today’s business leader a three – pronged approach.
- One – on – one mentoring with our mentors
- Access to the global best practice management tools of Mindshop
- Access to “peer to peer” mentoring through our Senior Management Network
An external mentor can be the “honest” mirror. The external mentor will say things that others won’t. A good external mentor will also walk away if people cannot accept the truth. At Burke Corporate Advisory Group, we tell the truth. Our valued clients are businesses that want honesty to ensure that the right issues are addressed.
For more information on Mentoring, contact us today.
For more information on Mentoring, contact us today.